Saturday, November 12, 2016

Animal Jam Adventures: The Forgotten Desert

The Forgotten Desert... one of my favorite adventures. It's not only unique, but is fun to play and rewards decent items. In this post, I'll be explaining to you many different things about this adventure for another informational post today. I hope you guys enjoy, and remember, I am giving credits to the AJ Wiki for this. Let's begin the post!
- It was released on May 15th, 2014.
- It is the first adventure to feature Flying animals.
- In the Adventure Base Camp, this Forgotten Desert has its own small island. 
- You are greeted by Liza in the beginning of the adventure, and she explains that the Phantoms destroyed five crystals that once protected the desert. You get fifteen minutes to collect all of the broken shards before the Phantoms return.
- 1 to 4 players can be in the Forgotten Desert at one time.
- The Purple Shards are exceptionally hard to get. You must have four layers, have lots of patience, and spend the entire game most likely searching for them.
- The green shards are most likely the easiest to find. They are just sitting around on the ground, and all you have to do is click on the paw icon above them to pick one up.
- If the players don't get any crystals complete at the end of the adventure, you'll get 500 gems from a chest near the portal. 
- You can get Beta Items and Rare Spikes from this adventure. 
- This is the first adventure to not have Phantoms appear in it.
- This is the first timed adventure.
- There are 2 different versions of The Forgotten Desert, and in each version, the shards are located in different places.
- There are more shards than the needed amount to get a prize.
- There is a common glitch where the Timer doesn't pop up for certain players.
- There is another glitch where people could use non-flying animals in this adventure.
- There is a rumor that opening no chests will increase your chances of getting a rarer prize. This is obviously not true.
- There is a glitch where you can't do anything in the adventure- and I mean it literally. 
- Many of the items seen in this adventure are the Excavation Site items.

Whew, that was a whole bunch of information! I even learned a few new things from that. Anyways, that's the end of this post. I'll see you guys in the next one!

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